Billy-Bob Billy-Joe Billy-Ray Billy-Sue Billy-Mae Billy-Jack
Bobby-Sue Bobby-Jo Bobby-Ann Bobby-Lee Bobby-Ellen Bobby-Beth Ann Sue
Age: (if unsure, guess) Sex: M F None
Shoe Size: Left Right
Farmer Mechanic Hair Dresser Waitress Un-employed Dirty Politician
Spouse's Name: 2nd Spouse's Name: 3rd Spouse's Name: Lover's Name: 2nd Lover's Name:
Sister Brother Mother Father Cousin
Aunt Uncle Son Daughter Pet
Number of children living in household Number of children living in shed Number of children that are yours Mother's Name Father's Name
Do you have a gun rack? Yes No If no, plez explain:
The National Enquirer The Globe TV Guide Soap Opera Digest Rifle and Shotgun Bassmasters
Number of times you've seen a UFO Number of times you've seen Elvis Number of times you've seen Elvis in a UFO
Yellow Brown Brownish-Yellow
Black N/A
Red-Man Skoal
1 mile 2 miles don't know