HEX codes of web safe palette - SZÍNKÓDOK
What is the safe palette?
This is the web "safe" palette. If you run a web browser on a system with a
256-colour Windows screen driver, all the graphics displayed on the web pages
you surf will be adjusted to use colours from this palette. The results can look pretty grisly.
Click on square of palette to get hex code of colour.
The safe palette is a group of screen display colors that maintains its quality across Windows
and Macintosh operating systems when running Web browsers.
The safe palette is important because without it, Web pages designed on Windows
look bad on the Machintosh and vice versa.
The Mac and Windows operating systems each have a "system palette" of 256
colors, but the two system palettes are not the same.
The safe palette is the intersection of the Macintosh and Windows system palettes.
It is easy to tell HTML which colors are in the safe palette:
- First, you need to know that all onscreen colors are designated by 6-digit hexadecimal numbers, 000000 to FFFFFF,
which give RGB values for the color. That is, the leftmost two numbers together specify the amount of Red, the middle two
numbers specify the amount of Blue, and the rightmost two numbers specify the amount of Green. This designation
system holds true for representing any screen color.
- The safe palette colors are special because the numbers in each set of two columns that represent R, G, and B, are
multiples of three. For instance, 000033 would be a pure, safe blue color, but 000044 would not. The color 336699 would
be safe, but 224466 would not. Also, 363636 would not be a safe color, because the two digits in the columns that
represent Red, Green, and Blue must be the same.
By the way, the hexadecimal values divisible by 3 are 0, 3, 6, 9, C and F. So FFCCFF would be a safe palette color.
In general, stick to 0,3,6,9,C,and F as "twins" and you are safe.